Picture Perfect little things

So the rainy season has almost arrived and in my city at least, it has been raining. I am not the kind of person who enjoys rains everyday. I love the occassional drizzles though. Anyway, the above picture is of the pretty plant I have in my balcony. Here’s a little something for it:
Dear good-looking, oxygen giving plant,
I am not sure if I love rains, the muddy slippers, insects and crawly things everywhere, change of plans because of those sudden showers, but I’m sure you do!
I can only imagine your bliss when those raindrops gently tickle you, when you are independent of me. You don’t need me to take care of you and water you everyday.
I can see you peeking at the other plants, enquiring about their well being and smiling when it showers.
When the lights go off because of the extreme conditions, I can visualize you turning around in the balcony for you now have visitors. I don’t mean to sound rude but they’re temporary, they’re here for the wind and not you, my love.
But that pot and that mud and those worms they’ll forever be yours and my hand when I rub your leaves as I bathe you during the summers, they’re yours, forever.

I know you give back more than I can ever give to you, but I hope our unsaid covenant lasts. 

For I am trying to adjust for you, I am trying to be happy because these are your favourite months of the whole year. I am trying to imagine life from your perspective, my friend.

I know we humans are selfish, we have emotions but we save them for the wrong people who leave without notice. Most of us save none for things that matter, like you. But I am trying to change this a little, even as I write this blog down I’m thinking if ever you’ll be happy because I did something for you or will it all be meaningless to you? :’) I hope tomorrow when we meet you tell me it was a sweet thing to do- this blog post, for you know how much these blogs are a part of me.

I hope when I meet you tomorrow, you be in your best shape and colour , the kind of green you are now and tell me what a good god-father you’ve been to those earthworms. I know these rainy days make you very happy but I sometimes miss you, I miss watching you laugh when Mom scolds me for forgetting to water you or not watering you enough!

But whatever you do, no matter how many plants you see or love in this lifetime be wary of us, human beings for I’ve seen you narrate how they cut your mother to construct a building like the one you are kept now.

I cannot apologize enough for what we’ve done to you.

But remember, whatever happens in this life, you always have a reason to live. Your latest one being that Lily Plant on the other side of the block 😀

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